Not remotely related to the Auranthetics (unless you count the fact that both the stereo and the auranthetics rock) is my attempt to repair the stereo from my Previa. This is my crash course in electronics. Something I have always wanted to learn since I started to become involved in electric vehicles.
Here is the main power board. Bulged cap beside the torroid is a 4700uf 16v rubycon series px 12.5mm x 25mm. There is just about 1mm on each side of it. Above the mofset there is enough room to put something bigger and run wires down to the original mounting holes but I'm not sure that is a good idea. On the right, you can see my temporary solution to the replacement of the two rubycon 680uf 16v wxa series 10mm x 10mm. I have yet to find something close. The only close things I found were 10 x 12.5mm 680s which may just barely fit. I did find some 12.5 x 30mm 4700uf 16v units on ebay but as a lot of 150. I may email the seller for a deal on a couple and see if he bites.
Each of these caps have a low ripple current rating and high impedance probably because they are so small. Everything I have found close is much better in both these areas. So i may see some improvement when I'm done.
The CD player takes up 90% of this space with a little left over by the heat sink.
I popped one of the bulged 680uf back in for the photo. It's the black one just below the brown nichicon. the plastic cover is half melted off.
Here is my temporary solution for the 2 680's. One 2200 of better quality. The stereo works much better now but the big bass gets clipped (plus noise) when you turn it up too much. I think this has to do with the 4700uf which is also bulged.